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How to Protect Your Home from Damage During Summer Storms | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

Summer storms in Middle Georgia can be intense and unpredictable. Thunderstorms are common during the hot months; but heavy rain, flooding, strong winds and even tornadoes can all occur as well.

As a homeowner, taking proactive steps to protect your home from potential storm damage is crucial. Here are some essential tips to help safeguard your property and keep your family safe during the stormy season.

Inspect and Maintain Your Roof

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. Regularly inspect it for any signs of damage, such as missing shingles or leaks. If you find any issues, address them promptly to prevent further damage during a storm. Consider having a professional inspection done annually for peace of mind.

Clean and Secure Gutters

Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow and damage your home’s foundation and walls. Make sure to clean your gutters regularly and ensure they are securely attached to your home. Installing gutter guards can also help prevent debris buildup, allowing rainwater to flow freely away from your house.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Overgrown trees and shrubs can pose a significant risk during a storm. Trim back any branches that hang over your home or power lines to reduce the likelihood of them causing damage. Additionally, remove any dead or weak trees from your property to prevent them from falling during high winds.

Secure Outdoor Furniture and Decorations

Loose items in your yard can become dangerous projectiles during a storm. Secure outdoor furniture, grills, and decorations to prevent them from being tossed around by strong winds. Storing these items in a garage or shed when a storm is forecasted is a smart precaution.

Install Storm Shutters or Impact-Resistant Windows

Windows are vulnerable points in your home during a storm. Consider installing storm shutters or impact-resistant windows to protect against flying debris and strong winds. These additions can significantly reduce the risk of broken glass and water damage inside your home.

Check Your Insurance Coverage

Review your homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure it covers storm damage. Understanding your coverage can help you be prepared in case you need to file a claim after a storm. It’s also a good idea to take inventory of your belongings and keep a record of their value for insurance purposes.

Develop an Emergency Plan

Having a plan in place can make all the difference during a storm. Ensure your family knows where to go and what to do if a storm hits. Keep an emergency kit with essentials like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, and first-aid supplies easily accessible.

By taking these steps, you can minimize the risk of storm damage to your home and ensure your family’s safety. SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton is here to help with any storm damage restoration needs you may have. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in getting your home back to its pre-storm condition quickly and efficiently.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – protect your home today!

Even a prepared home could still see damage from a summer storm. Call SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton 247 for fast restoration.

How to Build an Emergency Plan for Natural Disasters | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

7/2/2024 (Permalink)

man in suit at computer working on a standard erp SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton is Here to Help® your business prepare for disaster with an updated ERP!

As a business owner, ensuring the safety and preparedness of your team and operations is crucial. Natural disasters can strike without warning, and having a solid emergency plan in place is essential to minimize damage and keep your business running smoothly. At SERVPRO®, we understand the importance of being prepared. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build an effective emergency plan for your business.

Assess Potential Risks

Start by identifying the types of natural disasters that are most likely to impact your area. In our part of Georgia, that can include tornadoes, strong thunderstorms, flooding and the occasional winter freeze. We can even see the remains of hurricanes and high-winds that put our businesses at risk. Our team of professionals will look at the history of your location and a number of other factors to best identify what you could potentially be up against. Understanding these risks will help you tailor your emergency plan to address specific threats.

Develop an Evacuation Plan

An efficient evacuation plan is a critical component of any emergency strategy. Make sure all employees are familiar with evacuation routes and procedures. Conduct regular drills to ensure everyone knows how to exit the building safely and where to assemble once outside.

Establish a Communication System

During a disaster, clear communication is vital. Develop a communication plan that includes emergency contact information for all employees, key clients, and vendors. Use multiple channels such as phone trees, emails, and text alerts to disseminate information quickly.

Protect Important Documents

Safeguard critical business documents and data by storing them in a secure, off-site location. Consider using cloud-based storage solutions for digital files and keep hard copies in a fireproof and waterproof safe. This ensures that important information is not lost during a disaster.

Stock Emergency Supplies

Equip your workplace with essential emergency supplies. This should include first-aid kits, flashlights, batteries, bottled water, non-perishable food, and blankets. Having these supplies on hand can make a significant difference during an emergency.

Train Your Employees

Regular training sessions are essential to keep your team informed and prepared. Offer courses on first aid, CPR, and basic emergency response procedures. The more knowledgeable your employees are, the better they can respond in a crisis.

Review and Update Your Plan Regularly

An emergency plan is not a one-time effort. Review and update your plan at least annually or whenever there are significant changes to your business operations or local threat levels. Involve your employees in this process to ensure the plan remains comprehensive and effective.

At SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton, we specialize in helping businesses prepare for and recover from natural disasters. Our crew can work with you to create a plan that fits your unique needs and ensures your recovery will start the moment it is safe to do so, day or night.

By taking these steps, you can build an emergency plan that protects your business and ensures continuity during unexpected events. Don’t wait for disaster to strike—start preparing today!

For professional guidance and support, contact SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton by visiting our website. Let us help you safeguard your business against the unexpected.

How to Protect Your Home from Strong Thunderstorms | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.

Strong thunderstorms can wreak havoc on your home, causing damage to roofs, siding, and even flooding. But fear not, homeowners! With a few proactive measures, you can minimize the risk of storm-related damage and keep your property safe and sound.

Assess Your Surroundings

Before the storm hits, take a walk around your property and identify any potential hazards. Are there trees close to your home that could fall during high winds? Are your gutters clear of debris to prevent water from backing up and causing leaks? By addressing these issues ahead of time, you can significantly reduce the risk of damage during a thunderstorm.

Research from the National Severe Storms Laboratory shows that proper tree maintenance can help prevent storm damage to homes. Trimming branches and removing dead or weak trees can make your property less vulnerable to wind damage.

Reinforce Your Home

One of the most effective ways to protect your home from strong thunderstorms is to reinforce vulnerable areas. This can include installing storm shutters to protect windows, reinforcing garage doors, and securing outdoor furniture and decorations.

According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, reinforcing garage doors can reduce the risk of structural damage during a storm. Adding bracing kits or replacing weak doors with hurricane-resistant models can provide added protection against high winds.

Create a Storm Preparedness Kit

In addition to fortifying your home, it’s essential to have a storm preparedness kit on hand. This kit should include essentials such as flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food, water, and a first aid kit. Keep your kit in a designated location that is easily accessible in case of an emergency.

Research conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency emphasizes the importance of having a well-stocked emergency kit to help you weather the storm safely.

Stay Ahead of the Storm with SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your home from strong thunderstorms. Take proactive steps today to safeguard your property and keep your family safe.

For professional assistance with storm damage restoration contact SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton today!

Outdoor Grilling Safety: Enjoying the Great Outdoors | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

campfire style bonfire with dark night background Gather around the bonfire but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton to ensure a fun and safe night.

Ah, the joys of outdoor grilling, bonfires, and camping fires! There’s something about cooking under the open sky or gathering around a crackling fire that brings people together. But amidst the fun and camaraderie, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, ensuring that these enjoyable activities don’t turn into accidents waiting to happen.

The Importance of Outdoor Fire Safety

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), outdoor fires, including grilling and bonfires, contribute to thousands of accidents and injuries each year. From grease fires on the grill to uncontrolled flames around a bonfire pit, the risks are real. That’s why SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton is here to offer some essential tips for keeping your outdoor gatherings safe and enjoyable.

Tips for Safe Outdoor Grilling

  1. Keep a Safe Distance: Position your grill at least 10 feet away from your home or any flammable structures. This helps prevent accidental fires from spreading.

  2. Clean Your Grill: Regularly clean your grill to remove grease buildup, reducing the risk of flare-ups. Use a wire brush and hot, soapy water to clean the grates and burners.

  3. Check for Gas Leaks: Before firing up the grill, inspect the gas lines for any leaks. Apply a solution of soapy water to the connections and look for bubbles, indicating a leak.

  4. Stay Vigilant: Never leave the grill unattended while it’s in use. Keep a close eye on the flames and have a fire extinguisher or bucket of sand nearby in case of emergencies.

Bonfire and Camping Fire Safety

  1. Choose a Safe Location: Build your bonfire or campfire in a designated fire pit or on a non-combustible surface, away from overhanging branches or dry vegetation.

  2. Control the Flames: Keep the fire at a manageable size and never use gasoline or other accelerants to light it. Instead, use kindling and dry wood to start the fire safely.

Conclusion: Stay Safe with SERVPRO®

By following these simple safety tips, you can enjoy the outdoor grilling season and campfire nights with peace of mind. Remember, safety always comes first! If accidents do occur, SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton is Here to Help® with fire damage restoration and cleanup services.

Visit SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

Storm Planning With the Family | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage

Georgia weather can be pretty unpredictable, but one thing we all know to be true is that storms are possible year-round. With a variety of dangerous possibilities, storms in our town can leave anyone feeling a little chaotic—especially when there is the threat of a tornado or strong thunderstorm.

There may not be much we can do to keep the weather in check, particularly when spring storms pop up unannounced as they so often do, but we can learn how to react to them appropriately.

The more prepared you and your household are, the more you can avoid the dogs and the kids panicking. When everyone can respond calmly, everyone can get to safety faster.

Knowing What to Look For

One of the best ways to start getting everyone comfortable with the weather is to head outside and talk about the clouds. Spend time with the kids getting to know what dark or green-tinted clouds mean. Make sure they understand that if the clouds are starting to spin or if they hear thunder, it’s time to move indoors. The more your whole family can keep an eye out for the early warning signs of a storm heading your way, the faster everyone can seek shelter.

If you are close enough to hear a tornado siren at your home, make sure your kids know what it means. Find out when the next testing will be and make them listen. You can also pull up emergency sirens online in order to play the sounds for them. This can go a long way in avoiding the fear factor that may come with a loud noise like a siren. Even if you don’t have a siren close by, play warning sounds your phone or weather radio make. Practice getting to safety through playing a game—who can get to shelter first when the siren or alarm goes off.

Preparing for the Event

After you have spent time talking with your kids outside about clouds and sirens, gather together to make a family storm emergency plan. This should include the best place to stay during a severe weather event as well as a kit with emergency supplies.

While you plan, show your kids the safest place in your house to ride out storms in. Build a blanket fort to practice huddling together as a family. Make sure everyone understands that this is where they need to head if they hear a siren or other weather warning—even if it is in the middle of the night.

If you don’t already have one, find a plastic box you can pack an emergency kit into and get the kids involved in choosing what will go in it. Make sure there are plenty of flashlights and batteries. Getting kids their own personal flashlight can be a fun way to keep them safe and lower fears.

Family favorite shelf-stable snacks and plenty of water are two other items you need to always have in your emergency kit. Blankets, card games or even stuffed animals can be another addition that will help keep everyone calm during a weather event.

While most items can live in your emergency kit permanently, ahead of a storm event you should add prescription medications, extra snacks and water. Keep your kit near your safe space for easy access, and update it seasonally with weather-appropriate items.

Keeping Calm

Fear of severe weather is common even for adults, so it is completely normal that your kids may feel nervous when bad storms approach. For many children, explaining that the chances of experiencing extreme damage are pretty low can help ease concerns. Most homes will only experience damage to their roof, siding or in the yard.

The more you can teach your kids about weather and how to stay safe during any tornadoes, thunderstorms or high winds that come our way, the more confident your whole family will be. Focus on staying calm and distract your kids from anything scary. The storms will be over before you know it.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Water Leaks and Everything That Comes After Them | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust our team at SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

Is there anything worse than coming home after a long day at the office or a nice weekend away and finding your floor full of water? Perhaps the dishwasher decided to wash the whole kitchen or you never anticipated rain coming through that open window.

Where it came from doesn’t really matter, it needs to be dried up. Unfortunately, for water leaks that have lingered for even just a few hours, a mop and bucket simply won’t be enough. Water moves quickly, and it often ends up in all the places you don’t want it to be.

The faster you can call in the pros, the better. We will respond to your property quickly to tackle the water, mold and odors that leaks leave behind.

Addressing Water Leaks

Water has a sneaky way of finding all the nooks and crannies in your home, and once it does, it can wreak complete chaos. Even the smallest leak can get under your floorboards, into your walls and behind cabinets.

When you find a leak in your home, go ahead and dry up as much of the visible water as you can. Take note of where the leak was and what walls, floors, cabinets or other permanent items are around them.

Water that has gotten into the wrong places won’t simply evaporate on its own. With very little airflow, moisture can linger long-term and create compounding damage all around it.

The longer this moisture is allowed to go unaddressed, the more your home is at risk. Metal supports will rust, and mold will begin to form and spread. Mold moves quickly, and once it gets started, it can take over entire areas of your home, creating a dangerous outbreak scenario that will need to be tackled along with you water damage.

Following Your Nose

Along with taking note of what was around when you cleaned up the leak, you can also use your nose to find potential issues hiding out behind walls or flooring. A musty, damp and earthy smell is one of the most common signs that mold is spreading. If you notice this odor, see if you can locate the source or find any visible signs that you have a mold problem. This is a good time to call in the pros and get things handled completely.

When our crew gets to your home, we will start tackling everything that comes along with water damage, including lingering moisture in places you can’t see it. We will repair or even replace warped drywall or swollen floorboards. If things are beyond what simple repairs will fix, we can reconstruct parts of your home when it calls for it.

Your recovery process isn’t complete until everything smells exactly as it should. Once we have tackled the immediate problem area, we will also sanitize surrounding surfaces and even make sure you HVAC vents don’t have lingering smells in them.

Anything that can’t be completely renewed will be disinfected and sealed in order to prevent future mold growth and lock odors inside. Whatever your home needs to feel like home again, we’ve got you covered.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Simple Management of Insurance Claims | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

There are so many things that will go through your mind after a disaster strikes. The safety of your friends and family is likely the first thing you will think about—followed by concerns of how much damage may have been done to your home.

As you begin to put the pieces of everything that has happened together, filing an insurance claim may not fit into your puzzle for a while. Safety will always be the first thing on everyone’s mind, but the faster you can start the recovery process, the easier getting back to normal life will be.

That is one of the reasons that our team is ready to respond around the clock. We will make the road to recovery smooth, tackling every bump along the way. That includes working directly with your insurance company, so that you can take care of your loved ones.

Start Fast, Document Often

In every kind of disaster, timing matters. The faster you can start thinking through recovery and restoration, the less damage will add up over time. Safety should always be your No. 1 priority, though—if you have sheltered in place or evacuated, don’t head out until an all-clear has been given. When you do start to assess the damage, stay out of floodwaters, away from power lines that have fallen and as far from fire damage as you can.

Check in with loved ones and neighbors first to ensure immediate help isn’t required. If you can safely do so, clear the roads so that emergency vehicles can navigate easily. As soon as you know everyone is OK, call us at SERVPRO® so that we can get your restoration underway. We will take a lot of information over the phone so that we can get a team on the road with the equipment and manpower needed.

The more you can document what has happened to your property, the better. Take photos of everything. While it is best to wait on our professionals before any recovery is started, if there is something you can correct to prevent more damage, do so.

Shut off actively flowing water or pull the big limbs from your driveway—just make sure you make a note of what happened and how you fixed it. The more documentation you have, the easier your insurance claim process will be.

Leave It to Our Team

When our team makes it to your property, sealing things up so that other damage can’t strike will be our first priority. While we make sure your roof is covered and broken windows are handled, we will also begin documenting everything that will be required in order to make your home as good as new. Our professionals have had extensive training on everything that is required by insurance for a fast and easy claim process.

While we work, we will build an itemized list of all your losses, and add more photos to anything you took immediately after the disaster. All of the work that our crew does will meet insurance inspection standards, and we will repair everything we possibly can so that you have less to replace later. With every restoration project we do, it is our goal to keep your costs low and the insurance process simple.

Put your recovery into the hands of our team, and we will get your life put back together quickly. While we work with you, we will make sure your insurance claim process is easy and your total losses are low. Since we are experienced in so many different areas of disaster recovery and cleanup, it only takes a single call to get everything back to normal.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

The Basics of Flood Damage Prevention | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

The basics are always the best place to start when it comes to doing something well. If you have ever helped your kids with math, you know that without the basics, things can get really challenging.

Taking things back to the basics is a good way to protect your home from disasters, too. A little basic care and maintenance for your home will keep things safe when threats head your way. We might not be able to control Mother Nature and all the fury she can bring, but when we are prepared, the damage will be considerably less.

Water is one of the top ways that homes are damaged around the nation. That makes going back to the basics of water damage prevention crucial for keeping your home safe.

Know Your Zone

There are a number of ways that flooding can start. Manmade disasters that happen inside your home can be surprising and deal out quite a bit of damage, but they are often easier to find and fix than a natural disaster.

Flooding can be common in our community. The Oconee River seems to enjoy overflowing after heavy rains, especially during the spring and summer. That leaves pretty much all of us susceptible to flash floods, river floods or even roof leaks.

Getting to know your flood zone is a great, basic place to start when it comes to preparing for a potential disaster. When you understand your particular risks, you will know just how much you need to do to stay safe.

Whether your home is in a flood zone or not, it is important to note how your yard fares when heavy rains set in. If a storm leaves your yard full of puddles, adding extra drainage or lengthening your gutter downspouts can help pull water away from potentially entering your home.

For a yard that has a lot of trees, adding gutter covers can protect your roof from potential water ponding due to blockages. You will also want to check your roof after high wind blows through to keep it clear of limbs and other debris. The more you can do to keep water steadily moving away from your house, the better.

Prepare to Prevent

Once you get familiar with your area, there are a few other ways you can protect your home from potential flooding. Yard work can go a long way in keeping water out even in the heaviest rain or as the river starts to rise.

Take a look at the sloping in your yard. There should be enough of a slope to keep water moving away, but you want to ensure there isn’t a spot where water can pond. If you have a location around your home that often gets muddy, a rain garden or other organic material can pull water down into the ground and help prevent potential issues. Underground downspouts on your gutters can keep water out of your yard altogether by dumping it directly off of your property.

Inside, take notice of the seals around your windows and doors. Re-caulk any areas that have begun to deteriorate in order to keep things tight and dry. If you have a basement, have it professionally resealed any time you find cracks or gaps. A sump pump in the basement can also help keep things dry.

Go back to the basics in your home in order to do everything you can to prevent potential flood damage. Keep your yard in good shape, and maintain the inside of your home regularly. It will be much easier than teaching your kids math—we promise!

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

What to Do About Sewage Leaks | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

3/15/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton is always Here to Help® you when biohazard incidents strike.

There are few things worse than having to deal with a sewage leak in your home or office building. They may not be the most destructive disaster that can happen, but they are considerably difficult due to the sheer fact that you are dealing with a gross situation.

Sewage leaks are actually pretty common, though, and they can happen anywhere to anyone. When you know how to quickly respond, you can keep everyone safe and get the issue taken care of fast.

What to Do First

When wastewater cannot move through your pipes cleanly, it starts backing up into your sinks, showers and tubs. This is commonly caused by a block or clog somewhere in the lines, but it can also be due to damage done to a pipe or water line.

Regardless of how the sewage starts to leak into your home, it’s crucial that you stay away from it. When water leaks into your home or commercial property, there are three kinds of water it can be: white water, gray water or black water. White water and gray water are considered mostly safe, but black water is toxic. Sewage leaks fall into the black water category because they stem from a biohazard material and can contain dangerous microbes, viruses and bacteria.

Find the water shut-off valve to your home and cut the water supply to help stop the leak. Block the area off to keep kids or pets away, and open as many windows as you can to help with the fumes. Call our office right away to get your restoration process started.

Where SERVPRO® Comes In

Our restoration team is trained to handle dangerous, biohazard situations quickly and safely. From the moment you call us, we will start gathering information about your unique situation in order to have the proper safety equipment and tools ready to head to your property.

Once our team is on the way, spend some time getting pictures of the area. This might not be the most fun thing you have ever photographed, but the more images you can get, the easier it will be to process your insurance claim.

When our team gets to your property, they will start removing the sewage and water while they also investigate the cause of the leak in order to correct it. Remember that sewage water is toxic, so let our crew handle everything while you and your family stay away.

Our cleaning process will include completely drying and sanitizing the whole area around the leak and addressing any odors. We want to make sure your property is not just safe, but free of any lingering smells as well. Our team will also repair any physical damage done in order to put your home or office back to exactly as it should be.

No one wants to deal with a stinky, messy, sewage leak, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. If it does, stay out and call us to ensure everything is handled safely and quickly. We’ve got it covered!

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO and we will take care of you.

It’s Time for Spring Storms | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton help you get from April showers to May flowers.

The spring season is finally here, which in our Georgia home means cold mornings and warm afternoons. It can also mean lots of rain, thunderstorms and even the occasional tornado.

As spring pushes forward toward summer and temperatures consistently get warmer, storms will undoubtedly get stronger. Although we are mostly landlocked in our counties, even leftover hurricane and tropical storm systems can’t be ruled out toward the end of spring. That makes it crucial for everyone to be prepared and to have a way to receive weather alerts quickly.

The Power of the Internet

None of us are ever very far from our phones or some other kind of screen during the day (and often at night), so this is an easy place to start when it comes to getting weather alerts. You likely already receive Wireless Emergency Alerts on your phone, but consider adding an app or two that can provide additional weather alerts as well.

When you look at apps to add to your phone, make sure you are using a reliable source. Skip apps that are looking for you to engage and instead go with information-based and nationally backed organizations. Be sure to sign up for local alerts as well. Civic Ready Alerts will give you the most up-to-date information about a variety of disasters.

Make sure to also tune into a local news station as a storm or other event nears our area as well. This will ensure you are not only getting the most information as quickly as possible, but also will keep you informed about evacuation orders and shelters opening.

Non-Electronic Options

While we may not spend a whole lot of time away from our cell phones, eventually they will run out of battery. That is why it is important to have another way to receive weather alerts that does not require external power. Even if you have an external battery charger, long-term power outages can still leave you without any charged electronics.

If there are weather sirens in your area, check to see if you are close enough to hear them during an event. Get used to what they sound like, and learn what the different alerts mean. A weather radio is another great investment to add to your emergency kit in order to get real-time updates on anything that comes your way.

NOAA weather radios do not require electricity. Many of them are hand-crank or solar-powered, and some of them can even charge your other electronics. These are also portable, which means you can take it to a safe space when you need to go to one. It also means it can stay by your side should you have to evacuate altogether so that you are staying in constant contact with local news.

Even when you are completely prepared, a disaster can still strike and leave your property dealing with damage. That is why we are available day or night. No matter what happens, we can start your recovery the moment you call us. We make it our goal to get you back on your feet in no time.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.